This morning something remarkable happened. On my 6:30am walk home I gazed upwards and noticed a glowing disc-like entity hovering untethered in the sky. This new, as-yet-unnamed heavenly object appeared to be emitting a curious mixture of heat and light, drenching the city with a renewed sense of vitality and life. In fact, it wasn’t long before I started to regain memories of some former life where evenings weren’t spend huddled under blankets in front of Sopranos Series 1-6. When outside was a place to enjoy rather than escape from.
Seems like plenty of bands feel the same way too, and I can’t help but look forward to reminiscing on Spring 2010 as the season when that I was in love with glo-fi.
Whether its the woozy, washed out nostalgia of Air France

The woozy, washed-out nostalgia of Toro Y Moi
Or the woozy, washed out nostalgia of Is Tropical 
Or the...woozy, uh..
Its all gorgeous stuff.
Seeing as June-August will inevitable be cancelled due to bad-weather, now's the best time to revel in the dewy spring-time promise - let these bands soundtrack your fictionalised Summer
I suddenly got a wash of guilt this morning as I realised i'd deserted your blog for quite some time. But what's this? No new posts since March! Hayden, you don't want to drive me to actually listening to new music to keep up with it..