Monday, 1 March 2010

In Praise of Glo-fi

This morning something remarkable happened. On my 6:30am walk home I gazed upwards and noticed a glowing disc-like entity hovering untethered in the sky. This new, as-yet-unnamed heavenly object appeared to be emitting a curious mixture of heat and light, drenching the city with a renewed sense of vitality and life. In fact, it wasn’t long before I started to regain memories of some former life where evenings weren’t spend huddled under blankets in front of Sopranos Series 1-6. When outside was a place to enjoy rather than escape from.

Seems like plenty of bands feel the same way too, and I can’t help but look forward to reminiscing on Spring 2010 as the season when that I was in love with glo-fi.

Whether its the woozy, washed out nostalgia of Air France

The woozy, washed-out nostalgia of Toro Y Moi

Or the woozy, washed out nostalgia of Is Tropical

Or the...woozy, uh..

Its all gorgeous stuff.

Seeing as June-August will inevitable be cancelled due to bad-weather, now's the best time to revel in the dewy spring-time promise - let these bands soundtrack your fictionalised Summer